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A dobok (‎도복) is a taekwondo training uniform. It consists of a top and pants, worn with a ddi (띠). The term dobok literally means "clothing of the way" (bok = clothing; do = the way, just as in the word taekwondo).

SparringWT- or Kukkiwon-style taekwondo sparring uniforms use a pull-over V-neck jacket that is solid white (no trim at the bottom). Black Belts will have black trim around the collar, whereas color-belt uniforms have no trim at all. The pull-over design facilitates wearing of the hogu (chest protector) when sparring.

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PoomsaeWT- or Kukkiwon-style taekwondo poomsae uniforms use a traditional Y-neck cross-over jacket that closes towards the right side of the body. This jacket is similar to older style taekwondo doboks or japanese dogi. For gup ranks, the collar and pants are white, while poom and dan ranks have colored pants and collar depending on the practitioners gender and rank. High dan practitioners (7th dan and up) and older masters are allowed to use golden colored jackets instead of the usual white colored jackets.

S H O P    W I T H    U S

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Colored Belts

Black Belt


Poomsae Uniforms

Children & Adult


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Blood Sweat and Tears - BTS (Bangtan Sondyeandan)
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