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Color Belt Promotion Test

January 21 - 26, 2019

Colour Belt Promotion Test!

You are one step closer to a Black Belt!

The test will be held on Monday January 21st through Saturday January 26th at Choi's Taekwondo School, 718 Watt Street, Winnipeg.

Testing will be held during regular class time and will take place during the last 20-30 minutes of every class. Students must continue to follow their regular class schedule.

Belt Ceremony will take place starting one week after the test at the end of every class.

Parents and family are welcome to watch testing.

If you are unable to attend, please inform your instructor. Please ensure your promotion test registration form and promotion test fees are submitted on or before January 14, 2019. Any submissions after the above date will be subject to a $10 late fee.


If you have any questions please ask your instructor or call (204) 669-1000.

Choi's Taekwondo School
Black Belt Ceremony

Spring of 2019

In the spring our school will be holding our very own Tournament!

When the winter season comes to a close we will have the full details in our next News Letter,so make sure you don't miss it!

Tournament Promotion Requirements

All students that are Yellow Belt Green Stripe and below may only participate in the pattern portion of the tournament.

All students that are Green Belt or higher MUST participate in both the Pattern and Sparring portion of the tournament. It will not be counted as a tournament if they only participate in one of the (unless they have a written and valid excuse).

All Leadership, Hwarang Team members, and Black Belt MUST participate in ALL tournaments, If you are unable to attend, an absence notice form must be filled out and given to a Head Instructor or Grandmaster Choi himself.

Sparring Requirements

All participants must have full gear to spar (helmet, arm guards, shin guards, foot guards, gloves, groin guard and mouth piece.

Belt Promotion Requirements

New Rules for Promotion

Students are learning new patterns and self-defense techniques during their classroom training. At tournaments, students can gain experience and confidence, using the techniques they have learned through class in a competitive setting. Students are rewarded with medals for participating and putting out their best effort.

We encourage all students - at any Belt level even Yellow Belt Green Stripe and below to participate as well!

Below are the details for the new Colour Belt requirements that we will start ot implement in the months to come.

Between Yellow Stripe & Green Stripe

Must have at least one tournament during these levels

Between Green Belt & Blue Belt

Must have at least one tournament during these levels

Between Blue Belt & Red Belt

Must have at least one tournament during these levels

Between Red Belt & Brown Belt 

Must have at least two tournaments during these levels

Ages 8 and older:Must have a Referee Level One


Black Stripe Testing for Black Belt

Must have at least one tournament during a Black Stripe

Ages 8 and older:Must have a Referee Level Two

Must Volunteer at least 3 promotions 

Two written essays on History of Taekwondo and Your goals as a Black Belt

Written test before promotion at test date

Purpose of a Scream


When you scream you will benefit by increasing your confidence giving you a positive attitude, and physically making your body tighten so that when you punch and kick you will be able to use all your body's energy. It can also be used as verbal intimidation to give you strong presence. That's the reason we have a loud scream.

718 Watt Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R2K 2S7

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Blood Sweat and Tears - BTS (Bangtan Sondyeandan)
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